
Motion for Order of Protection Modification (write-in-the-blank form)


By: Montana Department of Justice

Download a free legal form to ask the court the change, terminate, or renew an Order of Protection, or to ask for an earlier or later hearing on the Order of Protection.
Resource Information

Before You Start

You can use this motion form to ask the court to: 

  • Modify an Order of Protection 
  • Terminate an Order of Protection 
  • Renew an Order of Protection 
  • Schedule an earlier hearing on an Order of Protection 
  • Schedule a later hearing on an Order of Protection. 

You must file the Motion with the Clerk of Court where the Order of Protection case is being heard.  

What Will Happen After I File?

What Will Happen After I File?

The sheriff will serve the person you file the Order of Protection forms against. There may be free legal help available for people needing an Order of Protection.  

Sometimes filing Order of Protection papers can make a situation more dangerous. You are the expert on how to keep you and your family safe. It's a good idea to talk to a Crime Victim Advocate or domestic violence shelter about coming up with your own safety plan. A safety plan can help you think through steps you can take to keep you and your family safe in your daily life. A safety plan can include an Order of Protection. 

Need More Information?

If you have any questions about your rights or this form, it would be a good idea to read our article Order of Protection Frequently Asked Questions. You can also check out our article on safety planning

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