Collection Lawsuits
Find helpful articles and free court forms related to debt collection lawsuits.
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Know your rights and understand your options when dealing with a debt collector. Download forms you can use to protect your rights.
Visit MLSA's free debt website to find out if a debt collector might be breaking the law, if you have any protected income or property, and if you might have any defenses to a debt lawsuit. Use a free garnishment calculator to see if a debt collector is taking the right amount from your wages.
This article can help you understand your options for taking action on a money problem.
Learn what income and property are protected from debt collectors; the situations when income or property may not be protected; and, download a free court form to ask for your protected income or property back.
Credit card debts and medical debts are usually "unsecured debt." That means they are not secured or guaranteed by collateral. This article talks about how a creditor can collect unsecured debt like credit card and medical debt from you.
Learn the steps you should take to protect your rights and find free court forms to download.
Learn how to prepare for court, make an objection, call and question witnesses, introduce exhibits and evidence, and more tips for representing yourself in court.
When you are unable to pay all your bills, here is some information to help you decide which bills to pay first.
Common Questions
Actions to take if creditors threaten to take your home.
Legal Forms
Use a free program to create an Answer to a Debt Collection Complaint filed against you in a City, Municipal, Justice, or District Court in Montana.
Learn how you can use a Homestead Declaration protect your home from creditors.
Download a free legal form that you can send to debt collector to dispute a debt. This is not a court form that you use to dispute a debt during a lawsuit.
Download a free write-in-the-blank court form to file an Answer in Justice Court or City Court.