
Wills for Native Americans

Find free legal information, resources, and forms related to wills for Native Americans.
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Estate Planning Options

By: Indian Land Tenure Foundation

A chart that shows estate planning options under the American Indian Probate Reform Act.

Will-in-a-Box (Do-It-Yourself Indian Will for Native Americans)

By: Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA)

You can use the free interactive Will-in-a-Box to create an Indian Will that will say who should get your personal property, real estate, and Indian trust land after you pass. The interactive program fills out an Indian Will based on the answers you give in an online interview. The Will is only valid once you properly sign it.


You can use the interactive Will-in-a-Box to create a free Indian Will that will say who should get your personal property, real estate, Individual Indian Money (IIM) Account, and Indian trust land after you pass. Watch this video to learn how to fill out the interactive Will-in-a-Box form.