
Other Medicaid Resources


By: Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA)

Here are some more helpful resources available online about Medicaid. Read the short description and click the blue link to visit the website.
Resource Information

Medicaid and Long-Term Care Costs

One major worry for older adults is that costs for long-term care will exhaust their life savings.  The link below is for a PDF brochure that outlines the legal and tax ramifications, as well as impacts on emotional and physical health, of financing long-term care. Medicaid and Long-Term Care Costs.

Benefits Check Up

Benefits CheckUp helps thousands every day to find programs for people ages 55 and over that may pay for some of their costs of prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential items or services.  Answer some questions to find the programs that can help you.  https://www.benefitscheckup.org/cf/frmwelcome2.cfm?subset_id=0&partner_id=0

Answer some questions to find benefit programs that can help you pay for medications, health care, food, utilities and more - See more at: https://www.benefitscheckup.org/#sthash.8E9g3MNk.dpuf
Answer some questions to find benefit programs that can help you pay for medications, health care, food, utilities and more - See more at: https://www.benefitscheckup.org/#sthash.8E9g3MNk.dpuf

Montana Assistive Technology Program

The Montana Assistive Technology Program serves and aides Montanans with disabilities and their supports.  They offer equipment, loans, rentals, trials, and sales.  For more information you can visit their website by following the link.  http://montech.ruralinstitute.umt.edu/programs/montana-assistive-technology-program/

Medicaid Enrollment Never Ends

You can apply for and enroll in Medicaid or CHIP any time of year. There’s no limited enrollment period for either Medicaid or CHIP. If you qualify, your coverage can begin immediately.  There is more information available through HealthCare.gov and by following the link https://www.healthcare.gov/medicaid-chip/getting-medicaid-chip/

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