
Accessing Higher Education Without Parental Support (Youth & Young Adult Legal Issues Edition)


By: Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA)

Federal education laws have been passed to help youth experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity access higher education.
Resource Information

What kind of support is there and who qualifies?

Federal education laws have been passed to help youth experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity access higher education.
There are two laws that address higher education access for unaccompanied, homeless youth:

  1. The College Cost Reduction and Access Act (CCRAA) enables unaccompanied homeless youth to qualify as “independent students” on the FAFSA, meaning they don’t need parental financial information or signatures.
  2. The FAFSA Simplification Act reduces barriers for students to access FAFSA funds. You will need your status as an independent student to be verified by a school district homeless liaison, shelter staff, or a college financial aid

Youth who qualify have run away or have been asked to leave home by a parent or guardian. No matter the reason you may be living on your own and responsible for yourself, you have the option to seek opportunities after high school. Whether a four year university, attending community college, or a certificate training program, help is available.

Who do I contact if I need help accessing higher education?

If you are still enrolled in high school or recently graduated, you need to contact your school district’s Homeless Education Liaison. By law, each school site must have someone assigned to that role. 

What other supports are available?

The majority of university and college campuses already have built-in supports. There may be departments named Student Support Services and/or Education Opportunity Center. These are the offices where you can find connections to resources and additional information on what your school has to offer.

Tribal communities may have additional supports. If you are a tribal member living in a tribal community, call MLSA for advice on your specific situation. 

Take Action

  • Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) provides free civil, non-criminal legal help to eligible clients. Apply for free legal help by calling 1-800-666-6899 or applying online.
  • Tribal communities may have additional educational supports. If you are a tribal member living in a tribal community, contact MLSA to apply for free legal help on your specific situation at 1-800-666-6899 or by applying online.
  • Contact your nearest Self Help Law Center for free legal information and forms.

Non-Legal Resources

  • The Youth Homelessness Development Project (YHDP) is designed to support Montana service providers in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. More information is avaliable at the YHDP website.
  • County resource guides provide an up-to-date list of avaliable help centers.
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